5 Things We’re Grateful For

During these unprecedented times, there’s a lot of sadness and confusion. We wanted to highlight the positives that are around us. Focusing on things we’re grateful for makes things seem less bleak.
Here at Kara, we’ve highlighted 5 of the many things we are grateful for, we hope this will spread some cheer and have a positive impact on your day.
1. Our NHS
Not only are we lucky to have a National Health Service like we do, but it’s the staff that make it. Putting themselves at risk in these difficult times definitely deserves some recognition!
2. Our team
Operating as an essential business, the team at Kara support the organisations that are providing care to patients (and pets) whilst this pandemic is happening.
Where possible, some of our team are working from home, however, our warehouse team are still operating, delivering essential scrubs to the likes of the NHS, other medical and health professionals, vets and dentists.
We’re relying on our team more than ever and we couldn’t be prouder of their efforts.
3. Our customers
Whilst times are tough for many people around the world we’re grateful for all our customers current and past.
As we are facing constant changes due to the evolving pandemic, we’re grateful for our customers’ patience and understanding. We are doing our very best to maintain our high standards of customer service and we are ensuring that your scrubs and workwear are delivered in the safest way.
4. The internet
What would we do without it? 90% of Kara’s business is done through the internet and right now, we wouldn’t be here without it – especially with some of our team working from home. From checking stock levels, processing orders and communicating with our team the internet is a key element in our business.
5. Our community
Isn’t it heart-warming to see all our community coming together at a time in need? From those offering to do shopping for isolated people, to those taking up temporary job positions to help in shops and other essential businesses.
Support available
Lastly, if you are feeling a little overwhelmed by this current situation, it’s always good to talk to someone. Even though you may not be able to speak to them in person, there are lots of ways you can still maintain contact with friends and family such as Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp video and social media.
The Samaritans website is also a great resource and you can talk to members of their team for free on 116 123.
Counting your blessings
Can you think of 5 things that you are grateful for? It’s good to take a step back from all the hustle and bustle of the Covid-19 pandemic and count your blessings.
Want to hear more from us?
Try Introducing Aero – Lightweight workwear, Or simply browse our website & shop for scrubs here.